Raoul Morris
A future, where the world population has swelled to 9 billion but most work is performed by robots. Where "...thinking has been outsourced" and crime is posted on billboards to be bid on by private consortia of detectives for solving. A planet where global warming's consequences are beginning to be felt and narrow, wealthy, groups believe they have it within their grasp to control the last part of the world's population who count. -Threeheadsinc

Sao Paulo Samba and the China 12
Two jobs, two continents. One a lost girl, daughter of an important government official Milo is sent to find her. The second the rescue of a witness to a murder running for her life from a deadly assassin. Secrets and betrayals lay waste the plans of the China 12.

Brancusi's Head and the China 12
He just went to buy a drink. He'd had the worst week. The alarm bells had rung when she'd talked about the head in her bag but she was a woman in trouble and he thought he should help. It was Brazil all over again, or was it Brazil still going on? One thing was sure, this was a woman he'd have to fight hard to get her out of his head.

The Dogs of Lamu and the China 12
Another job and the China 12 are vulnerable. The last two months have taken their toll, old ops gone, new ops not embedded, friends still in hospital. The unknown is still out there, defeated, not likely, planning their next move, certainly. Nothing to do but go forward toward the sound of gunfire.

The China 12 Box Set
All three books in one. The first three parts of a compelling series in a believable future.